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During my time in the Obama Administration, I visited communities across the nation and engaged leaders, nonprofits, and citizens to learn about best practices that ensure that communities are safe and just but also fair. As director of AmeriCorps VISTA, I prioritized funding for nonprofits engaged in the important work of reintegrating returning citizens exiting the criminal justice system. My experience at the U.S. Department of Justice demonstrated the importance of a justice system that focuses on early diversion and reentry programs. I am committed, as a candidate for Prince George’s County Executive, to building a county that does not criminalize poverty and provides equal justice for all. 


Accountability for past mistakes is non-negotiable. But after a citizen has paid their debt to society, they must have a pathway back into their respective community. To tacitly label ex-offenders as permanent "second class citizens" is wrong and unsustainable and virtually guarantees high rates of recidivism in the criminal justice system.  


Informed by best practices used by other communities around the nation, Prince George's County should lead the way on programs designed to reintegrate returning citizens into their families, the workforce, and our County. Expanding on the good work of our County's Workforce Development office, I will redouble efforts to expand mentorship programs, job training modules, partnerships with faith-based organizations will be created with private sector partners to break the school dropout-to-prison pipeline.  


Prince George’s County should lead the fight against the predatory Bail Bond Industry. An industry that depends on individuals getting arrested in order to survive and profit should not be welcome in Prince George's County.  

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